
road freight services

Road freight is the transportation of goods by road using trucks, trailers, or other vehicles. It is a cost-effective and flexible way to transport goods. Road freight is generally slower than airfreight, but it is typically more affordable and can reach areas that are not accessible by other modes of transportation.

Road freight is one of the most popular modes of transport in CIS due to its Geographical location. No matter how urgent, dangerous, complex or exceptional the goods, Our Team knows how to get them where you need them.

  • FTL Direct Trucking
  • OOG Cargo Transportation
  • Heavy Cargo Haulage
  • LTL Transportation to CIS
  • Dangerous Goods Transportation
  • Dangerous Goods Transportation

We offer Standard, ADR and Exceptional Transport alongside with our Groupage Services. For details you can contact our team and pleasure will be ours to assist you.

Goods we move by road

  • General Cargo
  • Dangerous Goods
  • OOG Cargo
  • Chemicals & Liquids
  • Temperature Controlled Goods

want get a quote ?

Contact our team for enquiries and our team will assist you with pleasure.

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